A month after graduating high school, I found myself on an airplane headed to Ft. McClellan, AL, for basic training. Four months later, I woke up in Seoul, Korea, an official U.S. Army Military Police Officer. This is where I started the journey that landed me where I am today. While working in the Military Police Station, I REALLY messed up one of the Army's computers. I was in a panic trying to undo what I had done! Luckily there was a radio operator in the station that was able to lend a hand and, between the two of us, we were able to successfully repair my very first computer!
- After my time in the Army, I began an 11+ year path of discovery. I supported my growing family through a series of jobs in retail. I worked for several companies selling everything from movies, auto parts, toys and eventually computers. At each of these places of employment, I always seemed to find myself being the "computer guy." I was called to repair the store's equipment and would help customers, family, and friends with their computer and electronics needs. My wife was especially helpful in teaching me about computer repair because she could break them in many mysterious ways!
- In 2003, the toy store I was managing announced they were filing for bankruptcy. A couple of years later, it happened again: I was working for another company selling music and movies and they filed bankruptcy. The closure of this company pointed me to my first official "computer guy" job. I took a job with one of the BIG companies doing computer repair. It was exciting because I felt I had found my true calling. My excitement was short-lived, however, because I discovered their definition of computer repair and mine were quite different.
- While I dreamed of being a person that people depend on for their everyday computing needs, the BIG Company seemed only concerned that quota add-on sales were included with each repair. In my mind, the only requirement is that there is at least one happy customer per repair. Needless to say, my time with the company was very short. I knew I wanted to work with computers professionally, so I enrolled in college and completed my formal education, receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Network & Communications Management.
- After moving back to Tennessee in 2008, it was time to make my dream a reality. I had an extensive retail background, sold some computers, and explored what BIG companies had to offer. I saw the need for a "professional friend" of sorts in my community that could be relied on to meet the needs of people right where the problem occurs: on-site and when it happens. Mobile Computer Repair is the result of this journey. Years of varied experience, strong formal education and my need to be a "super-hero" in as many lives as possible combine to provide personal, professional service based on strong family values.